sORry fellow readers.. i've been utterly busy lately.. with exams..assignments and shit like that.. haha.. having 6 units is a huge bummer, and that's already a major understatement.. trust me.. hear me out.. if your uni offers you 6 units for a semester.. please do.. for your own sake.. drop one of them.. haha.. dun get me wrong.. its survivable but heck.. ain't worth the brain strain.. My brain is all covered up with patches.. but well..maybe that's only me.. =) ANYWHOO.. im only left with Process Synthesis and Design now.. =) one small..and difficult part to complete.. i'll leave that for monday.. =P.. gonna have a meeting to solve some minor problems in my process analysis project later.. a real relief really.. =P i'm almost free enough for finals..woohoo! haha.. Ok.. enuf for my aimless blabering.. off to business..
Went for Leo Dinner couple of weeks ago with the rotaractors.. Irony really, rotaractors attending a Leo function.. Time has change i suppose and all in all, it was good fun. Really good fun. Food wasn't all that good though.. Don't remember what we had.. It was a good thing though.. I wudn't have space for the booze at the after party =) if i were to have stuffed my face there. Off to pictureS!Wai Chee and Apple =P
The Wong sisters.. I think they were in the toilet.. haha.. Girls.. Vain creatures they are..
Group photo! MAN! looK at the huge muscle build guy in white.. dang..he mst work out!
Chan seemed pretty happy that night..
Ahah! me with the girls.. Tracy and Wai Yen.. Lookin all flashy that night in formal.. styling and profiling, people! =)
That's the way to go~.. Chan and me
Me and Wai Yen =)
Lol..the adam pose! Female version
Adam Bond! =)
The ladies.. Chen Mei, CheeChee, Ah Yen, Esther, Apple, Lau sie and Trace
Now to the gay-er side of the entry.. A series of hot Gay action =PStarted with a hug
Progressed to a kiss
Then another joined in..
A girl got into the way..
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Its been a while, its been a while..
Posted by Ianzz at 7:15 PM 5 comments
Friday, May 9, 2008
Usually utterly wrong with dates and well, this time i'm not going to try. So!,a couple of weeks ago, I participated in some painting charity project. I being the kind and soft hearted guy painted my lights out, shedding sweat and blood. End product was pretty nice though. Had good company too so, it was pretty good. Woke up at 8.15 that morning, utter hell. Wasn't all bad at the end though. Pictures!The Girls =)~
Me and Chan..
Wai Yen's Masterpiece.. I had to paint over it though, bummer.
Paint, paint, paint..
My Masterpiece.. She said she looked fat.. Have no clue where though.. Johor people..haihs.. =)
After lunch.. or was it before.. hmm..
After hours and hours of painting, VOILA! =) looks good eh?
Farewell picture~.. Oo..jason, Doraemon's all over you..
Till next time,
Posted by Ianzz at 12:14 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Finally its Friday..
Friday's like a breeze, a breath of fresh air. Maybe I'm just very lazy. Gonna get back my sleep somewhat, not like I'm not having enough but to be sure, gonna sleep more for the later stages of the semester. I'm just being random now, do not have anything special to blog about. Just one of those days.
Miri's been dreadfully hot lately. And I really mean HOT! Skies are always blue, cloudless to say the least and I even got a sunburn under a shade. It's still there. My skin's black, looks roasted.
dang.. this entry is seriously boring.. haha.. so to not further spoil my blog's image.. I'd take my leave now..
Till next time people,
May your days be less boring as mine..
Posted by Ianzz at 11:20 PM 0 comments