Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Pitied Laziness

A day filled with Laziness and boredom. That being said, tomorrow would probably be exactly the same which in many ways are extremely depressing. Am pretty sick of watching movies nowadays and I still have loads to watch. Just couldn't get myself to finishing them. Am stucked halfway for AVP: Requiem and Mad Money. Finished Dan in real life after about a week.

Anywhoozzz.. how was the song? Pretty GOod don't you think? FM static - Tonight.Got the song from James btw through one of his album compilations. You guys should go check it out, really. Those songs are good, almost every single one of them. My source of good jiwang tunes. Those heavier ones aren't bad too. Seriously, check it out. Will post the links somewhere tomorrow.

So, for the sake of blogging, what did i do all day today. Woke up at 11pm. Yes! its true, no typo there. Did shit all night, chatting and watching Naruto Shippuden. Got restless at 6, so went for Sio Bee which tasted like craP! Then breakfast with Nelson, Big Liao and Nanami. Went to class at 12, met Hasnat and Pei Wen in the bus. Laughed at Nelson because I was the last one who got onto the bus and he was right behind me. Laughed at Pei Wen for reasons I should not say. Had lab, screwed up some experiments. Got the results at the end, thankfully. Head home, and snore my light away. Oh Oh Oh! one big thing.. I got myseLF some BOoZe! A Bailey's Irish Cream and Chivas! Sweet Sweet Nectar of the heavens. Oo OO! 4.17! i missed the 1st half of man U - Roma.. CraP!

till next time!
Chaos-the-Maos ppL~